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Mississippi Public Records
When you need certain Mississippi Public Records you want to be able to find them quickly. There are a few important sites that you will need to access, depending upon what kinds of records you need. If you are searching for a birth certificate, a death certificate, a marriage certificate, court records or driver licensing records you usually need to be able to find the appropriate site, the correct form to fill out and the fee to order the document.
Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates
The Mississippi State Department of Health deals with these important records. You should access the order forms page and complete the form that corresponds to your desired certificate. There are separate sections for requesting each of the different types of vital records certificates.
Criminal record checks can also be performed by the Mississippi State Department of Health by contacting the Criminal History Record Check Division at 601-364-1101. There is a fingerprint submission system that allows you to submit fingerprints taken at your local police station so that you can easily check state and national criminal databases.
You are welcome to attend in person at the office located at 571 Stadium Drive during operational hours to find the record you want. You can also email the form or fax it in with the required fee, payable by credit card. Regular mail is fine too, just don’t forget to include the completed form with the correct fee.
Mississippi State Department of Health
571 Stadium Drive
Jackson, Mississippi
Phone: (601) 576-7981
Please note that the office only provides records from November, 1912 and onward. If you are searching for divorce records, you must contact the Chancery Court where the divorce was granted. You can find a list of the courts at this website along with a map of the counties so you can determine which one you will need to search.
If you are applying for a job or your employer wants you to provide your driver record, you can navigate over to the Department of Public Safety and purchase a copy of the record using a credit card.
Mississippi has an official Mississippi Sex Offender Registry web site that lists all of the registered sex offenders who reside in the state. Anyone can access the site once they read and acknowledge a disclaimer. Sex offenders can then be searched by name or the person conducting the search can obtain a list of registered sex offenders with a specific zip code. The Registry is accessible to anyone who has a computer or mobile device at the following website.
Mississippi is one of many states that have moved most of their records to a computerized system that most people can access online. This saves a great deal of time for people who are searching for records, negating the need for an attendance in person upon a specific office. Most certificates and records can be sent to you in the mail and will take up to 10 days to be received by you.